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BIPV panels with narrow coverage for roofing

Estonian company Roofit.Solar has introduced a new series of building-integrated solar panels BIPV Velario Slim, which offers a unique solution for residential buildings. With a narrow coverage width of 470 mm, these panels are ideal for roofs with small or non-standard areas, allowing every square meter to be used as efficiently as possible for energy generation.

Their design is in keeping with the Scandinavian style, combining a modern look, resistance to difficult weather conditions and easy installation according to the “2 in 1” principle.

Main features:

  • Power: 120 W or 180 W.
  • Efficiency: up to 19.3%
  • Dimensions: width 470 mm, length – 1.402 mm or 2.044 mm depending on the model
  • Warranty: 25 years for power and 10 years for the product

This new product allows you to make the most of your roof covering, providing more free energy even for roofs with non-standard geometry.

Roofit.Solar is already accepting orders in Europe, and the first deliveries are expected in June 2025.

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