By the beginning of 2025, solar module prices on the global market remain mostly stable, despite the increase in production costs. The main influencing factors are high market stocks and low seasonal demand in China.
The average price for modules in China, which is the main supplier of products to Ukraine, is $0.085/W. In Europe, there is a 2% decrease in prices caused by excess production on the market and is estimated at an average of €0.096/W.
Demand for solar panels in Eastern European countries such as Romania, Poland, Serbia, Slovenia and Ukraine is actively growing. This is explained by the flexibility of local manufacturers and the rapid pace of construction of new solar power plants.

Therefore, today, the construction of a solar power plant remains an attractive investment. Price stability allows you to quickly recoup the integration of solar modules and receive a stable income from energy savings. But do not forget that this stability has growth prospects. Therefore, we advise you not to delay the decision.
Alteco specialists closely monitor market changes in Ukraine to offer their clients optimal solutions at current prices for solar modules.
Contact us for detailed advice!