Task: To implement a network solar station with a capacity of 22.2 kW, with the…
Task: Installation of a solar station to compensate for the home’s own consumption and the…
Task: To increase the capacity of the solar station from 10 kW to the design…
Task: Implement a network solar station for the sale of generated electricity to the general…
Task: Based on the customer’s available space, to build a solar station for generating energy…
Task: Implement a grid solar station for the sale of generated electricity to the general…
Objective: Reducing the lighting cost of company’s main office. Improve the quality of light and…
Objective: Reducing the lighting cost of company’s offices. Improve the quality of light and the…
appearance of the solar station Task: Implementation of a solar station project for generating energy…
Task: Based on the existing space and finances of the Customer, to install a network…